With augmented reality, you can offer visitors an even more exciting virtual experience on site!
Now the digital content of your virtual tour can be displayed ON-SITE on the visitor’s mobile device, and there is also a digital indoor wayfinder that guides them to the desired position through the building.
Advantage: the visitor has to be on site to experience AR, the content can be managed live, remotely and super easily by yourself.
With our innovative AR Wayfinder, users can navigate effortlessly through indoor and outdoor areas.
By using the virtual tour menu, users can easily be guided to the desired location.
While they are exploring with the AR Wayfinder, the route shown in the app always guides them accurately to their destination.
– AR guide for museums or exhibitions
– Indoor navigation aid for complex buildings
– Gamification (Easter egg hunt, Christmas game,…)
– Facility management support
– Machine maintenance / IoT
– AR experience for the new digital generation
– Training new employees
– …
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